Buckthorn Meadows Tree Farm,3311 Klondike Rd. W., North Gower ON
K0A 2T0 (zone 5a)
Specializing in hardy caliper Oak and Nut Trees grown locally from local seeds
Kurt Wasner 613-489-0265
Charles Rhora Nut Farm & Nursery http://www.nuttrees.com/
La pépinière Lafeuillée,55 chemin Lafeuillée, St-Charles-Borromée
(Québec) J6E 7Y8 (zone 5a)
27 varieties of walnut, hickory, pecan, chestnut and oak seedlings
Bernard Contré; 450-759-5458
Ferguson Forest Centre,275 County Rd. 44, Kemptville ON K0G 1J0
(zone 5b)
Ed Patchell 613-258-0110, 888-791-1103 toll free.
Grimo Nut Nursery,979 Lakeshore Rd, RR #3, Niagara-on-the-Lake ON
L0S 1J0905-934-6887, Fax 905-935-6887 (zone 7)
Grafted and seedling nut trees. Cultivars are tested in our own experimental orchards15 nut tree varieties
includingPersian and black walnut, heartnut, butternut, alpricot (sweet kernelled apricot),almond, sweet
chestnut, hazelnut, pecan, hickory, ginkgo, pine nut.
Order from our catalog web site or send two 48 cent stamps for our ten page catalog.
Ernie Grimo
Golden Bough Tree Farm 900 Napanee Rd., Marlbank, Ontario K0K 2L0
Campberry Farm, RR #1, Niagara-on-the-Lake ON L0S 1J0 (zone 7)
Specializing in Alternate Crop Nursery Stockand Productive Nut Trees:Heartnut, Hazelbert, Chinese Chestnut,
Shellbark Hickory.
Doug Campbell 416-262-4927
England's Orchard and Nursery,316 S.R 2004 McKee, KY 40447-9616 (zone
Specializing in exotic fruit and nut trees for alternative crops
Clifford England 877-965-2228(toll free)
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