ECSONG Members' Pictures

Do you have pictures of your nut trees? Please send them in for display on the web site.

Gordon Wilkinson's trees in his Ottawa area nut grove late 2014.

Figure 1: Two Heartnut Seedings Ranging in Height from 6 feet, 5 inches to 6 feet, 9 inches

Figure 2: A Row of Four Heartnut Seedlings Ranging in Height from 4 feet, 3 inches to 5 feet, 11 inches

Figure 3: A Struggling Shagbark Hickory

Figure 4: A Northern Pecan Seedling: Four Feet

Late 2018

Figure 5: Three bearing heartnut trees ranging in height from 7 feet 11 inches to 10 feet four inches

Figure 6: A Cluster of Heartnuts

Figure 7: A Shagbark Hickory in autumn colours: 9 feet 5 inches

Figure 8: Two Northern Pecan Trees ranging in height from 10 feet to 11 feet 6 inches