
The hican is a hickory x pecan cross and thus the name blend, "hic""can". Though the hickory and the pecan often grow in association with each other, they rarely cross. Of those crosses that exist, there are few that are productive. The 'Burton' is one of the best and will ripen in Ontario. It is likely a pecan x shagbark hickory. Pecan crosses with shellbark hickory often produce large empty nuts.
The 'Burton' has a near pecan round shape and the thin pecan shell, but is the size of the native northern pecans further south. The 'Burton' nuts are late September ripening. They are more like shagbark hickory in this regard. 'Burton' or its seedlings are good choices for zone 5b-7 in Ontario.

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SONG Members would like to thank the CanAdapt Small Projects Initiative 2000. Without their assistance this project would not have been possible.
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